Containing the full spectrum of vitamin E as it occurs in nature; alpha, beta, delta, gamma tocopherol and alpha, beta, delta, gamma tocotrienol.
Vitamin E products that contain just alpha tocopherol do not have the same beneficial biological action as the full natural complex.
Typical vitamin E supplements contain only alpha-tocopherol, the best known member of the eight-member vitamin E family.
Tocopherols, although important nutrients, lack some of the additional beneifts offered by the tocotrienols, so this product aims to bridge those shortfalls. By virtue of small but important structural differences, tocotrienols can get more involved in profound biological processes, such as modulating gene expressions and regulating vital enzyme functions.
It is now apparent that studies showing little or no effect from vitamin E supplementation failed in part because they used only alpha-tocopherol, rather than also including other tocopherols and tocotrienols